(4.1) Azure Cognitive Services

Caio Gasparine
5 min readNov 2, 2023


This is part of a series of articles called Azure Challenges. You can refer to the Intro Page to understand more about how the challenges work.

Before we start there are some important clarification points:

(1) Troubleshooting is IMPORTANT — It is important for you to exercise the error message search and solution, find bugs in your code, env, IDE, etc.

(2) The code IS JUST a code — There are several ways to write code and different languages. The examples here are just one way to do it.

(3) This IS NOT a prep course — The main goal here is to show the practical application of Azure Resources with a focus on Enterprise AI solutions.

(4) You won’t be graded by the challenges but, they are an important practical component in your learning experience.

(5) Make sure you are using a FREE student account and check your costs!

1. How to access your resources in Azure

>>> CLI — Command Line Interface

>>> PowerShell

>>> Azure Portal (www.portal.azure.com)

CLI — Comand Line Interface

Use the link below to install CLI for Windows

CLI documentation

How to log in using CLI?

Try the command: az cognitiveserices account list-kinds

Try the command: az group create --location westus --resource-group MyNewResourceGroup

Try the command: az group create --location westus --resource-group MyNewResourceGroup

Try the command:

Try the command: az cognitiveservices account delete --name myresource --resource-group MyNewResourceGroup

Count Parameter:

For example az vm create…. — count 2

With this command, Azure will deploy 2 VM instances in parallel (or the number used in the parameter count)

Azure engine will manage VNET, disks, public IPs, NSG, and etc.

Another simple example for academic purposes: Create 2 VMs using Debian without customization

az group create -n rg-example -l canadacentral 
az vm create -n vm-example -g rg-example --count 2 --size Standard_DS1_v2 --image Debian11 --generate-ssh-keys

Which one is the best option? CLI, Powershell OR Azure Portal?

Other VERY important key things…

  • Subscription
  • Resource Group
  • Region
  • Resource Name
  • Pricing Tier

The APIs in Cognitive Services are hosted on a growing network of Microsoft-managed data centers. You can find the regional availability for each API in the Azure Region List.



Azure Cognitive Services provides a layered security model, including authentication, via Azure Active Directory credentials, a valid resource key, and Azure Virtual Networks.

Azure Cognitive Services


Creating your Azure AI Services / Cognitive Services

Search for Azure AI services (formerly Cognitive Services)

How does it work?

Tools and IDEs (Integrated Dev Environment)

Our architecture so far…

Next step (4.2) Using APIs | Translator | Face | Computer Vision



Caio Gasparine
Caio Gasparine

Written by Caio Gasparine

Project Manager | Data & AI | Professor

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